Understanding suje t
- Read very carefully the issue. Understanding of the subject will determine the quality of your work. Understand the topic (What's this?) Involves asking questions about the content and the "limits" of the subject. These limits may be linked to precise definition of the subject which should lead to reflection on it.
- Mobilising knowledge. Make the draft list of issues, eliminate all points that seem, after reflection, off topic or accessories. It is essential to address only the issue raised, but the whole subject. Search
- then a plane trying to logically group the issues that remain on your list and identify the main ideas. Give a title to each party in each paragraph. Each headline should summarize the idea of each party or each paragraph. The plan thus constructed must be logical and rigorous. The plane into two parts is generally recommended.
The rules of legal essay
The essay necessarily includes legal a substantial introduction, followed by two parties and possibly a conclusion.
1.The introduction
. The start or first sentence of the introduction . It should, as far as possible be incisive. If not directly attack the subject.
. The definition of the subject. Show that you have identified the essential concepts that must be addressed.
. The general considerations and historical that should allow defining the subject in context.
. The position of the problem : the problem.
. The announcement of the plan.
2. The parties
They mobilize the candidate's knowledge in the service of an argument, a logical proof and structurally sound. Each part includes:-The title of Part-The introduction of part or "hat." -The sub-sections. -The different points in each sub-area.
The first part includes the transition to the second part. The second part (or third) includes the transition with the conclusion.
3. The conclusion The conclusion must be the culmination of your work. It should not be a summary or repetition of the arguments above. It ends with an opening to other questions or to a more general
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