Stépahane Isabelle and decided to create a society: Karu environment. To implement this activity, the bank Guadeloupe innovative youth (BGJI) awarded the company a loan of one million euros.
Melissa and Gaetan have both brought up joint guarantees repect of 700 000 euros and 1 million euro. Stéphane also surety to the tune of 300 000 euros.
The company grew quickly but has faced stiff concurence. Faced with declining profits of nearly 40%, karu environnemnt could no longer meet its enggements. Six maturities of the loan remained unpaid, the BGJI ordered the forfeiture of the loan contract and assigned Gaetan payment of the debt of the company which then amounted to 972 536.58 euros.
Gaetan had to pay the entire debt of Karu environment. The latter was put into liquidation.
1. Gaetan he has appealed against the two other bonds? If so, what amounts will pay him the two bonds?
2. How exercised this remedy if Stépahen found itself insolvent?
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