Monday, November 5, 2007

1960's 15'grumman Aluminum Review

Large lines of the methodology of case comment

The arrest record is the basic element of the commentary contained in the introduction.
The case comment was intended to explain the scope, the "interest and providing a stop.

Introduction :

  1. a phrase "attack" a sentence where the stop in a broader context, most often in relation to the major concepts of your course.
    it comes to giving a brief indication to the reader or listener of the area in which you want to do "fit", to which we want to bring the study of the stop.
    It is impotant to give the date and the court which made the decision to react.
  2. the statement of facts : Only
    should include the facts essential to understanding the immediate shutdown. You should not have more than 5-6 lines.
  3. the statement of the procedure :
    It does not go into too much detail. Keep it simple and clear.
  4. arguments of the parties:
    same advice: do not start before the time
    comment is here that tested your skills and style synthesis.
  5. the problem of law : heal him while he is critical and determines the fate of the solution
    and Reasons:
    as it is still no comment be brief as far as it can
  6. announcing the plan:
    it should flow naturally the brief explanation of why you should
    announce the immediate parties, that is to say, the first and second parts with no reference to the respective subparts.
    Examples: - "We will study, in part, its title-turn-and second-party ... put its title-"
    -or "melt" the announcement in writing and put in brackets "first the "/" second party ".


developments must be articulated around two parties and two parties in each party. It should show the titles. Never forget to announce, in a hat, and each party following subsection. I the need to introduce each part and in part by a transitional phrase. This one can conclude the treated by introducing another. Each sub-sections should be about the same length. The only exception relates to the generally accepted B ') in the second half. It may be shorter and is usually an opening in relation to the central themes addressed in the commentary. It replaces a few concluding essay particular literary required.

Conclusion (if possible)


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